Puer Chew Bags
Brand description:
Puer Chew Bags — новый продукт, объединяющий в себе натуральный табак и крепкий Шэн-Пуэр.
Преимущество Puer — это тонизирующий эффект и свежесть от натуральной мяты. Рекомендован для многократного использования: один пакетик можно использовать 2-3 раза.
Кто мы:
Мы Inspire Tobacco Group.
Один из крупнейших в России производителей табачной продукции.
У нас 7 табачных торговых марок . Кальянные смеси, табаки для самокруток и вот теперь -жевательный табак Puer Chew Bags.
Жевательный табак
Puer Chew Bags — новый продукт от Inspire Tobacco Group, объединяющий в себе натуральный табак и крепкий чай Шэн-Пуэр 11-летней выдержки и экстракт натуральной перечной мяты.
Что это:
Продукт разрабатывался совместно со шведскими технологами. Что помогло нам добиться того самого леденящего и легендарного вкуса Cold Dry.
Чай Пуэр даёт тонизирующий эффект за счет содержания кофеина (теина). Теин немного отличается от классического кофеина. Он оказывает мягкое тонизирующее действие. Благодаря этому свойству, возбуждающий эффект проходит плавнее и естественнее.
Теин помогает поддерживать тело в тонусе, оказывает мягкое возбуждающее действие на клетки головного мозга.
Преимущество Puer — это тонизирующий эффект чая Puer, натуральный табак Virginia и свежесть от натуральной мяты.
Рекомендован для многократного использования: один пакетик можно использовать 2-3 раза.
Крепость на грани - 22 mg
В банке 17 пакетиков играющих в долгую
«Puer chew bags вставляет за 60 секунд»
Где купить?
Продукт легально продаётся во всех табачных магазинах России.
Наши официальные дистрибьютеры:
Сеть табачных магазинов «Наша сеть»
Characteristics of goods:
- 13
Puer Chew Bags — новый продукт, объединяющий в себе натуральный табак и крепкий Шэн-Пуэр.
Преимущество Puer — это тонизирующий эффект и свежесть от натуральной мяты. Рекомендован для многократного использования: один пакетик можно использовать 2-3 раза.
Кто мы:
Мы Inspire Tobacco Group.
Один из крупнейших в России производителей табачной продукции.
У нас 7 табачных торговых марок . Кальянные смеси, табаки для самокруток и вот теперь -жевательный табак Puer Chew Bags.
Жевательный табак
Puer Chew Bags — новый продукт от Inspire Tobacco Group, объединяющий в себе натуральный табак и крепкий чай Шэн-Пуэр 11-летней выдержки и экстракт натуральной перечной мяты.
Что это:
Продукт разрабатывался совместно со шведскими технологами. Что помогло нам добиться того самого леденящего и легендарного вкуса Cold Dry.
Чай Пуэр даёт тонизирующий эффект за счет содержания кофеина (теина). Теин немного отличается от классического кофеина. Он оказывает мягкое тонизирующее действие. Благодаря этому свойству, возбуждающий эффект проходит плавнее и естественнее.
Теин помогает поддерживать тело в тонусе, оказывает мягкое возбуждающее действие на клетки головного мозга.
Преимущество Puer — это тонизирующий эффект чая Puer, натуральный табак Virginia и свежесть от натуральной мяты.
Рекомендован для многократного использования: один пакетик можно использовать 2-3 раза.
Крепость на грани - 22 mg
В банке 17 пакетиков играющих в долгую
«Puer chew bags вставляет за 60 секунд»
Где купить?
Продукт легально продаётся во всех табачных магазинах России.
Наши официальные дистрибьютеры:
Сеть табачных магазинов «Наша сеть»
Other factory brands
Народный блогер INSPIRE
Brand description:
Ты блогер или мечтаешь им стать?
Мы поддержим тебя и сделаем звездой индустрии!😉
Заплатим тебе уже за первый ролик и подарим крутые призы!🎉💵
А если пройдешь весь конкурс и народное голосование, то выиграешь главный приз!
Станешь лицом одного из 5 наших брендов и будешь получать реальные бабки за свой контент!🤫
1. Лайк + любой коммент + репост в сторис этого поста.
2. Подписка на все наши бренды в Instagram:
3. С 5 июля по 5 сентября покупай пачку любого из 5-ти наших продуктов, делай обзор ( видео или фото с текстом), присылай нам свой контент и чек на покупку пачки любым удобным способом:
1) В директ Instagram любого из наших профилей
2) На почту pr@inspire-tobacco.com
3) Прикрепить ссылку на файл в форме на этой странице
После нашего согласования выкладывай пост к себе в любую соцсеть и мы вернем тебе деньги за пачку - инфа 100%.✅
‼️5 сентября все ролики будут поделены по категориям 5-ти наших брендов и размещены на нашем сайте inspire-tobacco.com.
После чего начнется народное голосование, которое продлится до 15 сентября.
И уже 16 сентября мы узнаем имена тех, кто ворвется в историю индустрии вместе с нами и при нашей поддержке.
Будут выбраны 5 лучших роликов по 1 в каждой категории брендов. Именно авторы этих роликов станут официальными народными блогерами наших брендов!😍
Победители получат годовой контракт на сотрудничество с INSPIRE TOBACCO GROUP.👏🏼
2-е и 3-е места в каждой категории получат призы.
Подарочный Бокс продукта, на который был снят контент и экшн-камеру. 🎁
Всего 10 дополнительных призов‼️
- количество контента, снятого одним участником не ограничено;
- одна единица контента дает право на возврат средств по чеку за 1 пачку;
- формат видео или фото не важен, можешь снимать себя, а можешь только стол , главное, чтобы в кадре был один из наших продуктов и твоё мнение о нем. Вертикально или горизонтально не важно. Видео можно будет разместить в Instagram, YouTube и ВК с хештегом #НародныйБлогерInspire
Удачи! 💪🏼 Надеемся, именно ты взорвешь индустрию своим контентом!🤫
[contact-form-7 id="1042" title="Форма блогер"]
Ты блогер или мечтаешь им стать?
Мы поддержим тебя и сделаем звездой индустрии!😉
Заплатим тебе уже за первый ролик и подарим крутые призы!🎉💵
А если пройдешь весь конкурс и народное голосование, то выиграешь главный приз!
Станешь лицом одного из 5 наших брендов и будешь получать реальные бабки за свой контент!🤫
1. Лайк + любой коммент + репост в сторис этого поста.
2. Подписка на все наши бренды в Instagram:
3. С 5 июля по 5 сентября покупай пачку любого из 5-ти наших продуктов, делай обзор ( видео или фото с текстом), присылай нам свой контент и чек на покупку пачки любым удобным способом:
1) В директ Instagram любого из наших профилей
2) На почту pr@inspire-tobacco.com
3) Прикрепить ссылку на файл в форме на этой странице
После нашего согласования выкладывай пост к себе в любую соцсеть и мы вернем тебе деньги за пачку - инфа 100%.✅
‼️5 сентября все ролики будут поделены по категориям 5-ти наших брендов и размещены на нашем сайте inspire-tobacco.com.
После чего начнется народное голосование, которое продлится до 15 сентября.
И уже 16 сентября мы узнаем имена тех, кто ворвется в историю индустрии вместе с нами и при нашей поддержке.
Будут выбраны 5 лучших роликов по 1 в каждой категории брендов. Именно авторы этих роликов станут официальными народными блогерами наших брендов!😍
Победители получат годовой контракт на сотрудничество с INSPIRE TOBACCO GROUP.👏🏼
2-е и 3-е места в каждой категории получат призы.
Подарочный Бокс продукта, на который был снят контент и экшн-камеру. 🎁
Всего 10 дополнительных призов‼️
- количество контента, снятого одним участником не ограничено;
- одна единица контента дает право на возврат средств по чеку за 1 пачку;
- формат видео или фото не важен, можешь снимать себя, а можешь только стол , главное, чтобы в кадре был один из наших продуктов и твоё мнение о нем. Вертикально или горизонтально не важно. Видео можно будет разместить в Instagram, YouTube и ВК с хештегом #НародныйБлогерInspire
Удачи! 💪🏼 Надеемся, именно ты взорвешь индустрию своим контентом!🤫
Other factory brands
Walter Raleigh
Brand description:
About Walter Reilly
English courtier, statesman, poet and writer, historian, sailor, soldier and traveler, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. He became famous for privateering attacks on the Spanish fleet, for which he received a knighthood in 1585. There is a legend that it was he who threw his purple-gold cloak under Elizabeth I's feet so that the queen could cross the puddle, and he also scratched verses on the glass of the palace with a diamond to attract her attention. It is believed that it was Reilly who brought tobacco to England, giving it the name Virginia. This variety, today, unites lovers from all over the world.
He plundered Spanish ships and searched for El Dorado, fought in Ireland and Flanders. He was friends with the best poets of his era - Thomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe, Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare.
Brand name
The Walter Raleigh trademark has a nearly century-old history in the world. During the entire existence of the brand, manufacturers have not changed either the varieties or the cutting of tobacco. In some countries, natural flavors have been added to the market trends, but the basis is still the same legendary Virginia.
This variety is treated with increased attention: after the harvest, the leaves are dried in special barns for 3 to 5 days. Then the leaves undergo a fermentation process from a year to two, only after that the leaves are separated from the stems, sorted by quality and shade.
In 2020, the production of Walter Raleigh tobacco opened in Russia. All the necessary conditions have been created at the Inspire Tobacco LLC factory and the technological process of production of the legendary tobacco brand in the world tobacco history has been fully established.
Characteristics of goods:
- 30g
- Virginia tobacco, thin-cut
- 11
About Walter Reilly
English courtier, statesman, poet and writer, historian, sailor, soldier and traveler, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I. He became famous for privateering attacks on the Spanish fleet, for which he received a knighthood in 1585. There is a legend that it was he who threw his purple-gold cloak under Elizabeth I's feet so that the queen could cross the puddle, and he also scratched verses on the glass of the palace with a diamond to attract her attention. It is believed that it was Reilly who brought tobacco to England, giving it the name Virginia. This variety, today, unites lovers from all over the world.
He plundered Spanish ships and searched for El Dorado, fought in Ireland and Flanders. He was friends with the best poets of his era - Thomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe, Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare.
Brand name
The Walter Raleigh trademark has a nearly century-old history in the world. During the entire existence of the brand, manufacturers have not changed either the varieties or the cutting of tobacco. In some countries, natural flavors have been added to the market trends, but the basis is still the same legendary Virginia.
This variety is treated with increased attention: after the harvest, the leaves are dried in special barns for 3 to 5 days. Then the leaves undergo a fermentation process from a year to two, only after that the leaves are separated from the stems, sorted by quality and shade.
In 2020, the production of Walter Raleigh tobacco opened in Russia. All the necessary conditions have been created at the Inspire Tobacco LLC factory and the technological process of production of the legendary tobacco brand in the world tobacco history has been fully established.
Taste range:











Other factory brands
American Blend
Brand description:
American Blend 1897
Tobacco for self-rolled cigarettes American Blend. For those who really understand what a real, original Virginia is. The centuries-old traditions of American tobacco art are in your hands. A balanced blend of the best grade of tobacco for sophisticated connoisseurs.
How did we come to American Blend?
When we decided to create American Blend tobacco, we had a number of questions:
First , our product must be of high quality.
It is no secret that in the production of traditional cigarettes, tobacco production waste is often used as raw materials – blown tobacco vein, tobacco dust, technical varieties of tobacco leaf, fast-growing and low-quality. Blending due to tobacco leaf of different varieties is practically not carried out. The desired effect is achieved by adding additional components, processing tobacco with chemicals at all stages of production.
In our product, we use only Virginia tobacco of different subspecies growing in Italy and the USA. There are 6 varieties of Virginia tobacco in the blend of our product. Thanks to the many years of experience of our technologist, we managed to create a product of acceptable strength, quite fragrant, sweet and smoky. Our tobacco is processed only with high-quality food components that exclude its drying out and the development of harmful microorganisms for the body.
The second is an affordable price.
In a traditional pack of cigarettes, the weight of the raw material is 18.8 grams. How much pure tobacco is inside is a big secret. This indicator is constantly decreasing due to a decrease in the diameter of the cigarette, an increase in the length of the filter, etc. The average price of such a pack is 120 rubles. The weight of our pouch is 40 grams and you can be sure that only pure tobacco is inside. By the way, it is easy to check, because you can look at tobacco "live", evaluate its quality and aroma. How many of us have gutted a cigarette to look inside?
The third is a recognizable design, high-quality packaging.
They meet you by your clothes, see you off by your mind. This proverb is very useful, because we all want to hold beautiful, finished things in our hands. We have been working on the design of the pack for a long time and agreed on a non-aggressive design in green and black colors. Each pack is equipped with a reliable zip lock, which makes it possible to safely carry the pouch in your pocket without fear of spilling the contents. Also, this option will not allow the product to lose its flavor, because the zip lock tightly closes the pack.
The fourth is the ability to blend and supplement our tobacco products independently.
Due to the fact that we do not use Burley and Oriental tobacco varieties, the consumer has a wide field for maneuver. Tobacco can be made stronger or sweeter, use it as a constructor for selecting optimal parameters, because everyone has different tastes and there is no dispute about them. However, this is not necessary, because our American Blend products from INSPIRE HOOKAH GROUP are initially ready for use.
Characteristics of goods:
- 40g
- Virginia tobacco, thin-cut
American Blend 1897
Tobacco for self-rolled cigarettes American Blend. For those who really understand what a real, original Virginia is. The centuries-old traditions of American tobacco art are in your hands. A balanced blend of the best grade of tobacco for sophisticated connoisseurs.
How did we come to American Blend?
When we decided to create American Blend tobacco, we had a number of questions:
First , our product must be of high quality.
It is no secret that in the production of traditional cigarettes, tobacco production waste is often used as raw materials – blown tobacco vein, tobacco dust, technical varieties of tobacco leaf, fast-growing and low-quality. Blending due to tobacco leaf of different varieties is practically not carried out. The desired effect is achieved by adding additional components, processing tobacco with chemicals at all stages of production.
In our product, we use only Virginia tobacco of different subspecies growing in Italy and the USA. There are 6 varieties of Virginia tobacco in the blend of our product. Thanks to the many years of experience of our technologist, we managed to create a product of acceptable strength, quite fragrant, sweet and smoky. Our tobacco is processed only with high-quality food components that exclude its drying out and the development of harmful microorganisms for the body.
The second is an affordable price.
In a traditional pack of cigarettes, the weight of the raw material is 18.8 grams. How much pure tobacco is inside is a big secret. This indicator is constantly decreasing due to a decrease in the diameter of the cigarette, an increase in the length of the filter, etc. The average price of such a pack is 120 rubles. The weight of our pouch is 40 grams and you can be sure that only pure tobacco is inside. By the way, it is easy to check, because you can look at tobacco "live", evaluate its quality and aroma. How many of us have gutted a cigarette to look inside?
The third is a recognizable design, high-quality packaging.
They meet you by your clothes, see you off by your mind. This proverb is very useful, because we all want to hold beautiful, finished things in our hands. We have been working on the design of the pack for a long time and agreed on a non-aggressive design in green and black colors. Each pack is equipped with a reliable zip lock, which makes it possible to safely carry the pouch in your pocket without fear of spilling the contents. Also, this option will not allow the product to lose its flavor, because the zip lock tightly closes the pack.
The fourth is the ability to blend and supplement our tobacco products independently.
Due to the fact that we do not use Burley and Oriental tobacco varieties, the consumer has a wide field for maneuver. Tobacco can be made stronger or sweeter, use it as a constructor for selecting optimal parameters, because everyone has different tastes and there is no dispute about them. However, this is not necessary, because our American Blend products from INSPIRE HOOKAH GROUP are initially ready for use.
Taste range:

Taste range:
Other factory brands
Brand description:
Hook is a cheap, medium-strength excise tobacco. A decent fight between Virginia and Burley. WE BEAT AT HIGH PRICES TOGETHER!
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 500g
- tobacco leaf (Burley and Virginia varieties in a ratio of 50% to 50%), sugar syrup, glycerin, food flavor identical to natural.
- 43
Hook is a cheap, medium-strength excise tobacco. A decent fight between Virginia and Burley. WE BEAT AT HIGH PRICES TOGETHER!
Taste range:

You can still go back to the past. Remember the sweet and sour taste of apple candy. Then write about it in Instagram.

I never thought that blueberries with mint can be combined. On the bowl, it's a bomb. You'll have to believe me.

I won't even tell you about this taste. You've already imagined the taste of that marmalade in the form of bears. He's cool!

Classic, invigorating Cola - for fun and smoking.

Twin brothers - grapefruit and orange have come to visit your bowl and make your mood more fresh.

- I'll have a creamy cinnamon pastry. - How much? - One Cup.

Unforgettable taste of the king of the tropics. Mango-mango is delicious.

As they say in the advertising - "Heavenly pleasure". It's about this taste.

Legendary taste of waffle in milk chocolate, just right for your smoky break.

Authentic rich lemon. So, come on, don't turn sour.

Unique taste of velvety peach. Without any bones.

Warm, homemade, berry pie, as grandmothers cook. You know, right?

Pure banana flavor. Smoke it without any skins.

"If I said go to mother, then to mother" - the native taste of the "Rondo".

A cheeky, sour mix of lime, lemon and pine needles.

A soothing, light mix of tea and lemon. Smoke a Cup.

The aroma of strong tea with raspberries. It seems that this tea knocks down the temperature, or maybe it doesn't.

Multi-faceted taste of spicy ginger and rich cookies.

Ripe, sweet pineapple. We don't know how else to describe it. Very ripe and very sweet. That's it, leave me alone.

A unique tart-sweet combination of grapefruit and raspberry. How they met is a big question.

Popular mix of pink grapefruit with strawberries in the author's interpretation.

It would be ideal to organize a meeting of kindergarten graduates. The garden you went to. And smoke some corn sticks. It's exactly that taste: not the ones that are now, but those that were long ago

All the citruses are in the top. Strong taste that sends out there are all sorts of skeptics. This is the undisputed champion.

In Hook-Woman, as in every woman, there is a mystery. We managed to solve one riddle - it's a cherry. But there's something else that you'll like.

Some people don't eat soup anymore after smoking our gazpacho. Tobacco tastes better.

Well, my son! Wash your hands and sit down at the table to smoke a hookah. "Cheese soup" with a delicious combination of soft cream and aromatic cheese.

If you were a Sultan, you would: a) had three wives. b) would smoke Hook And the correct answer is obvious, without calling a friend and 50/50. This is the answer "b". By the way, you can still dial a friend and treat him to a Hook-Sultan. A new taste from Hook with the aroma of oriental sweets.

New taste of young melon. You haven't tried this yet

Taste of sweet chocolate brownie with a creamy touch, people who love desserts - lick your lips!

Feel the taste of your favorite sour dragee, with a refreshing aftertaste of feijoa.

Bright, thirst-quenching cold watermelon smoothie! What could be better in this heat?

Go to the forest without leaving the city. Fresh wild berries will help you with this. You'll understand.

They say Queen Elizabeth got everything she wanted. Why are we worse? So try the taste of sweet and sour Royal sweets.

A bowl of full-fledged peach nectar. Scroll on.

Mango, passion fruit and watermelon. Say it 10 times out loud. Let the guys laugh.

It's indescribable. Try it, and then we'll talk.

You don't need to suck, but you should smoke. Here's a tangerine candy.

Guess the riddle: green, Terry, berry. Delicious and juicy.

When people ask me what I smoked – I answer: smoothies with berries. Everything becomes clear.

When you chew gum, the taste lasts so little. But here is an hour, exactly, and also with a tropical taste.

- Lychee, just lychee. - Okay. Flying!

- Dad and me. - What kind of dad? - Yes, not Papa, but papaya. - Well? - And watermelon.

There are once two berries, blackberries and blueberries, and decided to stir up the top.
Taste range:
- Dark passion
- Blue mist
- Gummy orange
- Hook-cola
- Sunny citrus
- Hook-fantasy
- Mango-Mango
- Mister Bounty
- Kit-Kat
- Lemon Blossom
- Hookpeach
- Blueberry cake
- Bananza
- Mint valley
- Filibuster
- Good morning
- Fragrant tea
- Ginger biscuit
- HOOK-Pineapple
- Hookman
- Pinkman
- Corn sticks
- Ali-Hook
- HOOK-Woman
- Gazpacho
- Chowder
- Hook-sultan
- Melon cub
- Hook-Sacher
- Skittles
- Hook-watermelon
- Forest Berry
- Queens candy
- Juice joy
- Exotic time
- Hook-boom
- Santa's bomb
- Velvet green
- Berry pie
- Fruit gum
- Chinese plum
- Hook-love
- Dark passion
Other factory brands
Hook Strong
Brand description:
Even stronger catchy, even cooler it get you stoned.
Consider it the best offer on the market, in terms of strength-quality-price ratio. WE BEAT AT HIGH PRICES TOGETHER! Are you with us yet?
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 500g
- tobacco leaf (Burley and Virginia varieties in a ratio of 60% to 40%), sugar syrup, glycerin, food flavor identical to natural.
- 43
Even stronger catchy, even cooler it get you stoned.
Consider it the best offer on the market, in terms of strength-quality-price ratio. WE BEAT AT HIGH PRICES TOGETHER! Are you with us yet?
Taste range:

You can still go back to the past. Remember the sweet and sour taste of apple candy. Then write about it in Instagram.

I never thought that blueberries with mint can be combined. On the bowl, it's a bomb. You'll have to believe me.

I won't even tell you about this taste. You've already imagined the taste of that marmalade in the form of bears. He's cool!

Classic, invigorating Cola - for fun and smoking.

Twin brothers - grapefruit and orange have come to visit your bowl and make your mood more fresh.

- I'll have a creamy cinnamon pastry. - How much? - One Cup.

Unforgettable taste of the king of the tropics. Mango-mango is delicious.

As they say in the advertising - "Heavenly pleasure". It's about this taste.

Legendary taste of waffle in milk chocolate, just right for your smoky break.

Authentic rich lemon. So, come on, don't turn sour.

Unique taste of velvety peach. Without any bones.

Warm, homemade, berry pie, as grandmothers cook. You know, right?

Pure banana flavor. Smoke it without any skins.

"If I said go to mother, then to mother" - the native taste of the "Rondo".

A cheeky, sour mix of lime, lemon and pine needles.

A soothing, light mix of tea and lemon. Smoke a Cup.

The aroma of strong tea with raspberries. It seems that this tea knocks down the temperature, or maybe it doesn't.

Multi-faceted taste of spicy ginger and rich cookies.

Ripe, sweet pineapple. We don't know how else to describe it. Very ripe and very sweet. That's it, leave me alone.

A unique tart-sweet combination of grapefruit and raspberry. How they met is a big question.

Popular mix of pink grapefruit with strawberries in the author's interpretation.

It would be ideal to organize a meeting of kindergarten graduates. The garden you went to. And smoke some corn sticks. It's exactly that taste: not the ones that are now, but those that were long ago

All the citruses are in the top. Strong taste that sends out there are all sorts of skeptics. This is the undisputed champion.

In Hook-Woman, as in every woman, there is a mystery. We managed to solve one riddle - it's a cherry. But there's something else that you'll like.

Some people don't eat soup anymore after smoking our gazpacho. Tobacco tastes better.

Well, my son! Wash your hands and sit down at the table to smoke a hookah. "Cheese soup" with a delicious combination of soft cream and aromatic cheese.

If you were a Sultan, you would: a) had three wives. b) would smoke Hook And the correct answer is obvious, without calling a friend and 50/50. This is the answer "b". By the way, you can still dial a friend and treat him to a Hook-Sultan. A new taste from Hook with the aroma of oriental sweets.

New taste of young melon. You haven't tried this yet

Taste of sweet chocolate brownie with a creamy touch, people who love desserts - lick your lips!

Feel the taste of your favorite sour dragee, with a refreshing aftertaste of feijoa.

Bright, thirst-quenching cold watermelon smoothie! What could be better in this heat?

Go to the forest without leaving the city. Fresh wild berries will help you with this. You'll understand.

They say Queen Elizabeth got everything she wanted. Why are we worse? So try the taste of sweet and sour Royal sweets.

A bowl of full-fledged peach nectar. Scroll on.

Mango, passion fruit and watermelon. Say it 10 times out loud. Let the guys laugh.

It's indescribable. Try it, and then we'll talk.

You don't need to suck, but you should smoke. Here's a tangerine candy.

Guess the riddle: green, Terry, berry. Delicious and juicy.

When people ask me what I smoked – I answer: smoothies with berries. Everything becomes clear.

When you chew gum, the taste lasts so little. But here is an hour, exactly, and also with a tropical taste.

- Lychee, just lychee. - Okay. Flying!

- Dad and me. - What kind of dad? - Yes, not Papa, but papaya. - Well? - And watermelon.

There are once two berries, blackberries and blueberries, and decided to stir up the top.
Taste range:
- Dark passion
- Blue mist
- Gummy orange
- Hook-cola
- Sunny citrus
- Hook-fantasy
- Mango-Mango
- Mister Bounty
- Kit-Kat
- Lemon Blossom
- Hookpeach
- Blueberry cake
- Bananza
- Mint valley
- Filibuster
- Good morning
- Fragrant tea
- Ginger biscuit
- HOOK-Pineapple
- Hookman
- Pinkman
- Corn sticks
- Ali-Hook
- HOOK-Woman
- Gazpacho
- Chowder
- Hook-sultan
- Melon cub
- Hook-Sacher
- Skittles
- Hook-watermelon
- Forest Berry
- Queens candy
- Juice joy
- Exotic time
- Hook-boom
- Santa's bomb
- Velvet green
- Berry pie
- Fruit gum
- Chinese plum
- Hook-love
- Dark passion
Other factory brands
Brand description:
Табак для кальяна Puer
Puer-Hookah mix is a unique hookah mix based on Puer tea leaf. In short, it's smoky, delicious, and nicotine-free, but it sticks
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 100 / 500 / 1000 g
- Sheng Pu'er tea leaf (11 years of aging), strongly brewed, followed by heat treatment, honey, glycerin, food flavors.
- 36
Табак для кальяна Puer
Puer-Hookah mix is a unique hookah mix based on Puer tea leaf. In short, it's smoky, delicious, and nicotine-free, but it sticks
Taste range:

Choose your energy source in the non-stop Puer 220 mix. Drive the bowl and you will have enough charge for the whole day.

Juicy and very soft taste of Winter Watermelon/ Excellent combination of fragrant pulp of watermelon with life-giving coolness, so necessary on hot days.

Puer’s cool mix of Cool Pear is a sweet, slightly astringent mix with crisp notes of pear and a rich aroma of honey.

Red Crazy Lemon is the craziest Puer mix. The acid and brightness of the lemon is complemented and subtly tinted with sweet and tart barberry.

The capricious sissy Garden Rasberry must be loved by everyone. Puer perfectly conveyed the recognizable taste and dizzy aroma of Rasberry.

The unique mix of Cinnamon tea inspires energy and courage. Warm, spicy, dry and burning cinnamon aroma will increase mood, warm and drive away depression.

A gentle and cold smell, refreshing mint flavor with a pleasant bitterness and aroma of chocolate intertwined in a piquant mix of Puer Biting chocolate.

Fresh, cold and chilling taste from Puer, where the name itself is mesmerizing - Crystal winter. The cheerfulness and lightness of the water, the green chords of mint, citrus and musk. Be sure to try this mix, it is worthy

The original hookah taste of Cenozoic ginger excites any fantasy. Fresh ginger with citrus aroma and aftertaste of shabby sage leaves. Light, pepper and fresh enough to be cocky.

Refined dessert with freshly picked cherries will win the sweet tooth. Check out Cherry Schwarzwald by Puer. Floral-fruity aroma with notes of hot biscuit.

Delicious mix of Siberian cola, sparkling bubbles and the sweet taste of cold Coca- Cola will not leave anyone indifferent. The fresh and carefree, thrilling and optimistic nature of the Puer mix.

When we pronounce the word peach, we immediately remember the unique taste of the aroma and delicate pulp of the fruit. That is what Puer did Velvety peach, naturally conveying the taste of the fruit adored by all.

Each hookah mixture with the aroma of melon has its own characteristics, the main one is cheerfulness. Puer Pepones have honey but fresh notes of melon and lotus smell of water.

Puer creates mixes of different moods. Barberry Lollipop has a very bright candy- barberry flavor, without sugary sweets. For self-confident sweet tooth.

Hammering into the bowl of Monastic berry you will admire the extraordinary, bright and simple taste that can never get bored, as it charges with boundless optimism, giving its juiciness and lightness from Puer.

Walk along the ornate forest paths with Puer and enjoy the original taste of hazelnuts and a variety of berries. Forest Ranger's dream is just that taste for pacific gourmets.

The lightness and airiness of Arctic Apple smoke can only be compared with the flutter of a bright butterfly. A fresh, sweet, frosty, relaxing and tasty mix was suggested by Puer.

These fruits are designed to fill with cheerfulness and delight. Mandarin and orange brings freshness and joy to dreary everyday life. The fresh, smooth mix of Citrus extravaganza by Puer gives a wonderful mood, fun and vigor, and adds a romantic touch.

The voluminous and deep taste of Blue Plum, overflow of sourness and honey, tart and slightly viscous. That's exactly what Puer made another fruit mix.

Delight yourself and your friends with the exquisite banana flavor of the fruit for smart people hookah mix. Light, moderately sweet with apple aftertaste. Enjoy and be surprised.

Miracle pie is a taste of home comfort and expectation of a holiday. A classic mix of the most delicate biscuit aroma and milk cream. Rich, warm and melting

Mountain tarragon - herbal spicy aroma and pungent taste. Everything merged together in this mix from Puer - mighty mountains with aromas of herbs, transparent drops of dew and gray clouds.

An unforgettable classic in a fresh reading. Favorite taste of Arab sheikhs with hints of Chinese tea culture.

The ripe taste of mango, a pleasant fruity aroma, sweet, with a slight sourness, in which there are notes of freshness. Everything you need for a tropical sort of mood!

The particular fruit of Thailand. Alluring, sweet, slightly sour taste of Maracuja.

Thanks to the unique combination of the unique delicate taste of white chocolate, juicy creamy filling and coconut shavings, an unforgettable taste of Raffaello is obtained.

The taste of an alcoholic cocktail, based on light rum, with coconut milk and pineapple juice. It will appeal to all lovers of trying the new and exotic tastes.

Sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness, fragrant and melting in the mouth Pineapple from Puer. Feel the hot tropical sun.

The refined and unusual taste of the waffle bar, covered with milk chocolate, will make your break even more pleasant.

Puer Hookah Mix gives you the true pleasure of fragrant coconut and delicate milk chocolate. Make your day even more refined.

This is a summery, refreshing and sweet mix from Puer. The combination of ripe pink grapefruit and juicy strawberries will add new flavours to your day. Embrace the taste of hot summer!

An interesting variety of juicy, ripe grapes.

An original mix of tart, sour, juicy lemon flavor. Double lemon will make your day rich and bright.

The extravagant taste of Feijoa from Puer. Sweet and juicy Feijoa juice, with hints of kiwi, pineapple and strawberry.

Prepare for a flight to warmer destinations and breathe in the exotic fruit blend of Puer's Mizumbido tobacco-free blend.

Imagine the taste of Christmas tree, with the sweet taste of pineapple and mango. Pour in a cup of Hocus-pocus from Puer and catch the very aroma of coziness and comfort.
Taste range:
- Puer 220
- Winter Watermelon
- Cool Pear
- Red Crazy Lemon
- Garden Raspberry
- Cinnamon tea
- Biting chocolate
- Crystal winter
- Cenozoic ginger
- Cherry Schwarzwald
- Siberian cola
- Velvety peach
- Pepones
- Barberry Lollipop
- Monastic berry
- Forest Ranger's dream
- Arctic Apple
- Citrus extravaganza
- Blue Plum
- Fruit for smart people
- Miracle pie
- Mountain tarragon
- Classic Two Apple
- Man-Go!
- Maracuja
- Raffaello
- Pina Colada
- Pineapple
- Kit-Kat
- Cocos Rain
- Top of the pop
- Grape
- Double lemon
- Feijoa
- Mizumbido
- Hocus-pocus
Other factory brands
Puer Tobacco
Brand description:
Favorite Puer flavors - in a new format.
Умеренная крепость табачного листа Burley в идеальном сочетании с элитным китайским чаем Пуэр.
Попробуй и ты.
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 500 g
- Burley tobacco leaf (60%), 11-year-old Sheng Pu'er tea leaf (40%) strongly brewed, followed by heat treatment, sugar syrup, honey, glycerin, food flavor identical to natural.
- 23
Favorite Puer flavors - in a new format.
Умеренная крепость табачного листа Burley в идеальном сочетании с элитным китайским чаем Пуэр.
Попробуй и ты.
Taste range:

Choose your energy source in the non-stop Puer 220 mix. Drive the bowl and you will have enough charge for the whole day.

Juicy and very soft taste of Winter Watermelon/ Excellent combination of fragrant pulp of watermelon with life-giving coolness, so necessary on hot days.

Puer’s cool mix of Cool Pear is a sweet, slightly astringent mix with crisp notes of pear and a rich aroma of honey.

Red Crazy Lemon is the craziest Puer mix. The acid and brightness of the lemon is complemented and subtly tinted with sweet and tart barberry.

The capricious sissy Garden Rasberry must be loved by everyone. Puer perfectly conveyed the recognizable taste and dizzy aroma of Rasberry.

The unique mix of Cinnamon tea inspires energy and courage. Warm, spicy, dry and burning cinnamon aroma will increase mood, warm and drive away depression.

A gentle and cold smell, refreshing mint flavor with a pleasant bitterness and aroma of chocolate intertwined in a piquant mix of Puer Biting chocolate.

Fresh, cold and chilling taste from Puer, where the name itself is mesmerizing - Crystal winter. The cheerfulness and lightness of the water, the green chords of mint, citrus and musk. Be sure to try this mix, it is worthy

The original hookah taste of Cenozoic ginger excites any fantasy. Fresh ginger with citrus aroma and aftertaste of shabby sage leaves. Light, pepper and fresh enough to be cocky.

Refined dessert with freshly picked cherries will win the sweet tooth. Check out Cherry Schwarzwald by Puer. Floral-fruity aroma with notes of hot biscuit.

Delicious mix of Siberian cola, sparkling bubbles and the sweet taste of cold Coca- Cola will not leave anyone indifferent. The fresh and carefree, thrilling and optimistic nature of the Puer mix.

When we pronounce the word peach, we immediately remember the unique taste of the aroma and delicate pulp of the fruit. That is what Puer did Velvety peach, naturally conveying the taste of the fruit adored by all.

Each hookah mixture with the aroma of melon has its own characteristics, the main one is cheerfulness. Puer Pepones have honey but fresh notes of melon and lotus smell of water.

Puer creates mixes of different moods. Barberry Lollipop has a very bright candy- barberry flavor, without sugary sweets. For self-confident sweet tooth.

Hammering into the bowl of Monastic berry you will admire the extraordinary, bright and simple taste that can never get bored, as it charges with boundless optimism, giving its juiciness and lightness from Puer.

Walk along the ornate forest paths with Puer and enjoy the original taste of hazelnuts and a variety of berries. Forest Ranger's dream is just that taste for pacific gourmets.

The lightness and airiness of Arctic Apple smoke can only be compared with the flutter of a bright butterfly. A fresh, sweet, frosty, relaxing and tasty mix was suggested by Puer.

These fruits are designed to fill with cheerfulness and delight. Mandarin and orange brings freshness and joy to dreary everyday life. The fresh, smooth mix of Citrus extravaganza by Puer gives a wonderful mood, fun and vigor, and adds a romantic touch.

The voluminous and deep taste of Blue Plum, overflow of sourness and honey, tart and slightly viscous. That's exactly what Puer made another fruit mix.

Delight yourself and your friends with the exquisite banana flavor of the fruit for smart people hookah mix. Light, moderately sweet with apple aftertaste. Enjoy and be surprised.

Miracle pie is a taste of home comfort and expectation of a holiday. A classic mix of the most delicate biscuit aroma and milk cream. Rich, warm and melting

Mountain tarragon - herbal spicy aroma and pungent taste. Everything merged together in this mix from Puer - mighty mountains with aromas of herbs, transparent drops of dew and gray clouds.

An unforgettable classic in a fresh reading. Favorite taste of Arab sheikhs with hints of Chinese tea culture.
Taste range:
- Puer 220
- Winter Watermelon
- Cool Pear
- Red Crazy Lemon
- Garden Raspberry
- Cinnamon tea
- Biting chocolate
- Crystal winter
- Cenozoic ginger
- Cherry Schwarzwald
- Siberian cola
- Velvety peach
- Pepones
- Barberry Lollipop
- Monastic berry
- Forest Ranger's dream
- Arctic Apple
- Citrus extravaganza
- Blue Plum
- Fruit for smart people
- Miracle pie
- Mountain tarragon
- Classic Two Apple
Other factory brands
Puer Marmalade
Brand description:
10 bright marmalade flavors based on tea leaves that perfectly complement the Puer-Hookah mix line
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 500 / 1000 g
- Sheng Pu'er tea leaf (11 years of aging), strongly brewed, followed by heat treatment, honey, glycerin, food flavors.
- 10
10 bright marmalade flavors based on tea leaves that perfectly complement the Puer-Hookah mix line
Taste range:

This is generally a long-playing thing. Much longer than the candy itself.

At first it was just an orange, but others thought "why are we worse?", and also got into the taste. They're all together now.

Lemon flavor of marmalade that you have already tried. It's so sweet, delicious, sold everywhere. Taste the same.

And here we have all the exotic hits in one taste. If you search them, you'll understand everything.

Rarely, who doesn't like Apple lollipops. You like them too. Well, I told you.

Sweet, delicious, like a first love! You smoke and fall in love, in short. Try it!

This is some kind of pastry, I'm not looking into it. So just try it. A lot of people went to the hook club show.

Marmalade children's sweets. In General, you do not understand: whether you smoke, or eat sweets.

What the doctor ordered!

- Well, in what language can I explain to you that this is a topchik? - in marmalade!
Taste range:
- Blueberry candy
- Citrus fantasy
- Lemon marmalade
- Exotica
- Apple Lollipop
- Marmalade №1
- Currant Frouge
- Hello, Kitty
- Dr. Pepper
- Marmalade tongues
Other factory brands
Brand description:
Trinity tobacco - excise tobacco. Develops 3 lines of the fortress. Medium based on Burley tobacco leaf, light based on Virginia leaf and strong on Kentucky.
Characteristics of goods:
- 50 / 100 / 500 g
- Burley, Virginia, Kentucky tobacco leaf, sugar syrup, glycerin, food flavor identical to natural. Exposure time from 30 to 90 days.
- 28
Trinity tobacco - excise tobacco. Develops 3 lines of the fortress. Medium based on Burley tobacco leaf, light based on Virginia leaf and strong on Kentucky.
Taste range:

Enjoy Trinity’s Acid grapes! A strong and simple aroma with alcoholic acidity, complemented by the aroma of freshly cut grass and green fruits. Perfectly quench your thirst, like a decanter of chilled white grape wine. Taste with pleasure.

Tropical sun in roasted coffee and cocoa beans. Smoky veil of dawn and sunset with a rich aftertaste of the bitter sweetness of chocolate. And it's all about Trinity's original Bicerin mix.

Treat yourself to a wonderful taste of Blueberry from Trinity. Bright the pronounced sweet taste of overripe blueberries sends us into childhood, to favorite pancakes with blueberry syrup. It's a must you need to try and appreciate the amazing combination of forest coolness and aromas of herbs.

Childhood apple taste - the original mix of apples and barberry from Trinity. A pleasant, slightly sour taste with tart notes of barberry and the sweetness of baked apples. The aroma is fruity and spicy, fresh and naturally conveyed.

Trinity's unique Christmas chill is made for nostalgic gourmets. Fresh, resinous and bitter taste of pine needles and cold Christmas. Pour into the bowl and enjoy the aroma of your favorite holiday and home comfort.

The richly bold taste of strong rum and the thirst for adventure Corsair drink, it is a feeling of lightness and freedom after the first breath, a composition of reed and oak bark, a bitterness of tired herbs and clear spills. Trinity recommends for the bravest.

Introducing Euphoria Feihookah, performed by Trinity. The result is a complex summer bouquet with astringent sweet and sour taste of outlandish feijoa and a unique aftertaste of kiwi and strawberry.

We recommend you to taste the Garden Isabella Gibbs. The specific taste of the famous grape variety Isabella is harmoniously combined with notes of strawberries. Enjoy the fragrant smoke from Trinity like a glass of wine on the sea terrace.

Trinity made a great gift for ice cream lovers. The buttery taste of almonds and cold village milk combines an image of the joy of cooling on a sultry summer day. From the taste of Gelato cremoso (Almond Ice Cream) your bowl will not cool, enjoy it boldly.

Griljazh is a true delicacy with the aroma of crispy nuts fried in sugar. Thick and dense taste with a pleasant bitterness inherent in real chocolate. Get acquainted with another masterpiece from Trinity, it's worth a try.

Sunny mango from Trinity is presented in the taste of Indian sweet. Fresh, pronounced sweet and sour taste of mango and fruit notes of apricot with pineapple will add tropical happiness and smiles to your day.

Where Trinity is, there are multifaceted and complex combinations, there is an exotic taste of Maracuja. In a very thin, tart and sour taste passion fruit intertwined notes of peach, gooseberry and sea buckthorn. An ideal tobacco product for a party with incendiary dances.

Trinity's unbeatable Banoffee hookah mix is a gourmet dessert. Delicate and sultry banana flavor with a viscous aroma of hot chocolate. All at once in one taste relaxation and passion, pleasure from aromatic smoke and rich aftertaste.

A playful blend of citrus and candy cool is Orange lollipop. A sonorous, warm-sweet taste, light and crystal orange with notes of caramel candy. Everything you need for a good mood creates Trinity for you.

Pepones - naturally transmitted, juicy and nectaric taste of ripe melon. Trinity successfully reproduced all the features of this fruit aroma, it is fresh and saturated with the scorching sun, with a wonderful aftertaste of pear and pineapple.

Hammer a hookah bowl and enjoy the Trinity pineapple tropics. Immerse yourself in a mood of happiness and peace with the Pineapple soul. Very juicy sweet and sour taste excites the imagination and remains in the memory for a long time.

The famous confectionery masterpiece Raffaello, now has Trinity. Exquisite delicate taste of cream, almonds and waffles, with a hint of coconut. Tenderness and love in Your hookah bowl, enchants, recommends to sit back and enjoy.

Red velvet is a tart slightly sweet taste of pomegranate with a slight acidity and a pronounced aftertaste. Oriental aroma of velvet warm autumn from Trinity, swirls in a waltz of fragrant smoke and leaves no room for boredom.

A melting and juicy slice of pear in a naturally transmitted, surprisingly delicious Simple pear mix. The aftertaste of honey and caramel complements the composition and gives a boost of vigor from a hookah bowl filled with Trinity.

The original Sour face mix will surprise and make you smile. The sour-bitter taste of grapefruit, lime and lemon will make your day bright. Try Trinity Sour Mine and realize that there is no reason for sadness in the world.

Trinity advises - discover the new, even when it is familiar! Striped berry - smooth and unobtrusive taste of ripe watermelon with bright water nuances. Sweet, but not sugary, cooling, but not taunting.

An excellent gift from Trinity for lovers of tea gatherings. Tea drinker is the classic taste of tea with lemon. Pour into a bowl and mix from your favorite fruit or pastry mixes.

The best Pina Colada - the soft, sweet taste of a summer cocktail. The aromas of ice pineapple and coconut with accents of light rum create a cheerful mood from Trinity.

Charge at any time of the day with Trinity hookah mix Vitamin boom. Sweet and sour berry mix with an aftertaste of meadow herbs is a wonderful remedy for spleen. Eat vitamins and do not hold back your creative impulses.

Trinity spicy and fruity taste of pitted cherries. Delicate and sophisticated with floral and fruity notes. Cherryli envelops with its exact aroma and gives hope for a repeat of a sonorous and bright summer.

Classic hookah flavor Classic Two Apples with an intense aroma of anise and apple. Cheerful, sweet and warm, he rightfully occupies the title of a magical and unique mix in the original performance of Trinity.

Extend the summer with a new taste from TRINITY. Biting Raspberry is the freshness, sweetness and sourness of eternal summer in Your Cup!

Must be the most realistic and clean ginger on the hookah market! Feel all the tart taste of real ginger from TRINITY.
Taste range:
- Acid grapes (Кислый виноград)
- Bicerin (Кофе с шоколадом)
- Blueberry (Черника)
- Childhood apple taste (Яблоко с барбарисом)
- Christmas chill («Рождественская ёлка»)
- Corsair drink (Ром Пиратов)
- Euphoria Feihookah (Фейхоа)
- Garden Isabella Gibbs (Вино Изабелла)
- Gelato cremoso (Миндальное Мороженое)
- Griljazh (Грильяж)
- Indian sweet (Манго)
- Maracuja (Маракуйя)
- Banoffee (Банан с шоколадом)
- Orange lollipop (Апельсинка)
- Pepones (Дыня)
- Pineapple soul (Ананас)
- Raffaello (Раффаэлло)
- Red velvet (Гранат)
- Simple pear (Груша)
- Sour face («Кислая мина»)
- Striped berry (Арбуз)
- Tea drinker (Чайный пьяница)
- The best Pina Colada (Пина Колада)
- Vitamin boom (Злой витамин)
- Cherryli (Вишня)
- Classic Two Apples (Классическое Двойное яблоко)
- Biting Raspberry (Малина-Мята)
- Juicy ginger (Cочный имбирь)